Sunshine Blogger Award #2

Sunshine Blogger Award

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Sunshine Blogger Award

Wow! I am beyond honored that Nurturing Family & Self was nominated for another Sunshine Blogger Award! The blogging community is certainly one filled with positive support and plenty of kindness, which makes it a welcoming one for new bloggers like myself. Thank you to Savannah at Motherhood Ten Minutes At A TimeΒ for the nomination! I appreciate you taking the time to read through my blog πŸ™‚ I love the name of Savannah’s blog and she focuses on writing content that helps her readers live a family lifestyle filled with purpose. She has a beautiful family and I highly recommend you check out her blog! Be sure to follow her on social media, as well πŸ™‚

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to new bloggers, by other bloggers, who are working to spread positive vibes, joy and inspiration throughout the blogging community.

Award Rules

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and provide a link back to his/her blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger asked you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs for this award and write them 11 new questions to answer.
  4. Notify your nominees and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your pose.

Here are the 11 questions Savannah asked me, along with my answers:

If you were stuck on a two day layover in a third world country for two days, what would you do with your time and what would you wish you had with you?

I would probably find a local elementary school and volunteer my time working with the children. Prior to becoming a SAHM, I was an elementary ESL and reading teacher for 10 years. I love working with children, teaching children and reading books with children. I wish I would have some of my favorite picture books with me to share with the children at the school πŸ™‚

What would you be most proud of your real or imagined child(ren) accomplishing during their lifetime?

I have a two year old daughter and a baby boy who is due to arrive on December 31st πŸ™‚ Honestly, anything they accomplish during their lifetime, no matter how big or small, would make me a proud mama. However, I would be most proud of my children finding their ultimate passion and pursuing that one dream they have. Watching my children become parents themselves would make me proud, as well, because being a parent is the most challenging yet rewarding job on the planet.

What mandatory items do you always keep in your purse/car/bag?

The mandatory items I always keep in my purse, which is currently a diaper bag, are gum, chapstick, hand lotion, tissues, sanitizing hand wipes, a travel first aid kit, diapers, wipes, snacks and small toys/books πŸ™‚ Oh, how the contents of my bag have changed since becoming a mom!

What is your favorite story you heard as a child and why?

My favorite story I heard as a child was “The Secret Garden”. I loved reading the book and watching the movie. I remember the movie, which was a VHS, came with a special locket that I enjoyed wearing. This is my favorite story because I love the friendship that develops among the three main characters. I also love the pure joy and happiness they experience each time they visit the garden and spend time with one another. I look forward to when I can share this special story with my daughter πŸ™‚

What is the worst purchase you have ever made and why?

I can’t really pinpoint one specific thing that was my worst purchase, but I will say that during my single days, while living in an apartment, I purchased a lot of random unnecessary things. My husband and I have been working on cleaning out closets in our home. There are many things I bought before him that I end up donating, selling at our neighborhood garage sale or throwing away. I definitely put more thought into my purchases now because we are living on one income and I don’t want to fill our home with unnecessary things. I would rather spend our money on traveling places, experiences, taking pictures, and photo books πŸ™‚

If you could choose between a beach resort vacation and a mountain resort vacation, which would you choose and why?

This is a tough question! Both vacation options have their pros and cons, but if I had to choose, I would choose a beach resort vacation. There is something about laying on a beach chair for hours, getting lost in a book, hearing the ocean water and soaking in the warmth of the sun that sounds so relaxing right now. My daughter also loves playing in the water so I know she would have a blast on a beach resort vacation! The weather here in eastern PA is turning chillier by the day so the warmth of a beach would be perfect right now!

What is your favorite sport to watch and favorite sport to play?

We love watching sports in our house! My favorite sport to watch is probably football because I love football Sundays πŸ™‚ There’s something so relaxing about having football on all day, wearing comfy clothes, hanging out around the house, eating yummy snacks and listening to my husband cheer on his fantasy football players.

Cheering On the Eagles

I also really like watching baseball in person. Several years ago, I told my husband it would be cool to visit all of the Major League Baseball Stadiums. So, we started doing summer road trips and including baseball games as part of the trip. Every stadium is so unique so it is really cool to see each one! To date, we have been to 17 of the 30 stadiums πŸ™‚

My favorite sport to play is tennis. I played tennis while I was in college and loved it πŸ™‚

What did you eat for breakfast or what is your favorite breakfast?

My favorite things to eat for breakfast are oatmeal or a peanut butter sandwich. I love making a big pot of oatmeal on a Sunday and then eating it throughout the week. My favorite way to eat oatmeal is mixed with a heaping spoonful of peanut butter and sprinkled with cinnamon. I also enjoy mixing in fresh bananas or apples.

How old do you want to live to be and why?

I want to live to be 100 years old because I could be featured on the Smuckers 100 Birthday segment they do on the Today Show. I always enjoy hearing about the people who are featured and their secret to longevity πŸ™‚

What song do you secretly (or not) sing at the top of your lungs when you think no one is listening?

I don’t really sing any songs at the top of my lungs. However, my daughter loves listening to “Let It Go” and she will randomly break out in song, singing this at the top of her lungs! It cracks me up every time πŸ™‚

I admit that I started listening to Christmas music and the one song I LOVE is “All I Want for Christmas” by Mariah Carey! This I will sing at the top of my lungs while driving solo in the car.

What do you wish you could tell your child self?

I wish I was more outgoing as a child. Once I went off to college, I was more active and involved in the school community between playing tennis and joining several on campus clubs/organizations. Not sure why I wasn’t as outgoing as a child, but I wish I could tell my child self to not be afraid to be involved in school clubs and make new friends.

My Sunshine Blogger Award Nominees with their Blog Links and Twitter Handles are:

Questions for My Nominees:

  1. What are your top 3 blogs that you look to for inspiration?
  2. Tell me about one of your favorite blog posts.
  3. What is your favorite food and/or cuisine?
  4. What is the one kitchen tool you can’t live without?
  5. What do you love about blogging?
  6. What is your go-to weeknight dinner?
  7. What is your favorite social media platform and why?
  8. What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?
  9. Would you rather party on Ibiza or climb Mount Everest?
  10. Tell me about one of your family’s traditions.
  11. Do you prefer board games or video games?

Final Thoughts

Thank you again to Savannah from Motherhood Ten Minutes At A Time for nominating my blog for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I am deeply honored that you spent time checking out my blog. It is most definitely a work in progress, but interacting with all of the wonderful bloggers out there makes it a lot of fun! I enjoyed answering the questions you provided me, even though it took some time to think of my answers. Congratulations to all of the nominees! Keep chugging along and I look forward to learning more about the person behind the blog πŸ™‚

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2 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award #2”

  1. I love your answers, especially to the first question. That is So neat that you were an ESL teacher for ten years! I am deeply impressed with those who can teach (because I never could). Congratulations on your new baby boy due yesterday!


      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my responses! Teaching is definitely a tough job, but I really enjoyed every minute of it. Baby boy hasn’t made his arrival yet, but hoping he comes soon! We are anxious to meet him and begin our lives as a family of 4. Hope you had a wonderful holiday season with your family!

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