How to Make Trolls-Themed Snack Baskets for a Birthday Party


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How to Make Trolls-Themed Snack Baskets for a Birthday Party

How to Make Trolls-Themed Snack Baskets for a Birthday Party

The movie “Trolls” is a popular movie among young children at the moment, especially my good friend’s 3-year old daughter.  Yesterday I watched her for a few hours and we listened to “Can’t Stop the Feeling” by Justin Timberlake on repeat!  I will admit that I really enjoy that song and didn’t mind listening to it over and over!  Her birthday is next month and she is having it at a local swim school.  It is themed after the movie “Trolls”.  I recently saw a post on another blog showing how to make a “Trolls” Easter Basket.  You can check that blog post out here.  I shared it with my good friend and told her it made me think of her daughter!  Then she got the idea of making similar baskets for her daughter’s party to hold different snacks.  I offered to make them for her 🙂  I love fun and creative projects like this so I was definitely on board to make them for her!

Trolls-Themed Snack Baskets: What do you need?

Supplies needed for making Trolls-Themed Snack Baskets for a birthday party

Here are the things you need:

  • Plastic buckets with handles that stay upright – These plastic buckets were $0.95 a piece at Aldi.  I chose to use plastic because they can be washed before using for food.  I purchased four because that is what my friend needed for her party.  The handles need to stay upright so they look like Trolls!
  • 4 Rolls of Tulle – I found these rolls at Walmart for $1.97 a piece.  I chose to make each basket with a different color.
  • 1 Roll of Blue Ribbon – $1.97 at Walmart
  • 4 Rubber Bands
  • 1 Piece of Cardboard – The piece I used measured 18″ x 10″
  • Scissors

Trolls-Themed Snack Baskets: How do I make them?

Step 1: Unwrap one roll of tulle.  Starting at one end of the cardboard, wrap the tulle around the cardboard until the roll is finished.  Take your scissors and cut the tulle at each end of the cardboard.

Adding tulle to the Trolls-Themed Snack Basket Finished Tulle on Trolls-Themed Snack Basket

Step 2: Take one piece of the tulle.  Fold it in half.  Loop it around the handle of the basket.  Repeat this step with all of the tulle pieces.  I only used about 3/4 of the pieces on the handle because I felt that it was enough to create the Troll hair.  I was afraid if I added more pieces, they would not reach the middle when I pulled them together.

Trolls-Themed Snack Basket Finished

Step 3: Gather all the pieces of tulle together into a ponytail and secure with the rubber band.  I pulled out the pieces to give them a puffy look.  This also helps the handle stay upright.  Tie a piece of blue ribbon around the rubber band and make a bow.  That’s it!

Repeat Steps 1-3 for the remaining baskets.


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