
Engaging your preschooler in learning at home should not be complicated. It should be something that is incorporated into play and your daily routines.

The Best Products for Engaging Preschoolers in Learning at Home

The Best Products for Engaging Preschoolers in Learning at Home We’ve all spent a majority of the past year at home. Schools shut down for a period of time. As schools began reopening, it’s not exactly the way it was before COVID-19 changed our world so much. Therefore, many families made the decision to keep …

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Painting the earth and turning it into a mobile for Earth Day is fun and simple craft project you can do with toddlers and preschoolers. It doesn't require many supplies and you probably already have most of them in your house. Your toddler and preschooler will love painting, using stickers and putting together an Earth Day mobile.

How to Make a Simple Earth Day Mobile with Your Toddler or Preschooler

Earth Day occurs every year on April 22nd. It is a day to bring increased awareness about our planet and how important it is to protect it. I wanted to find a simple craft project to do with my toddler and preschooler that represented how the earth is home to many living things. I wanted …

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The St. Patrick's Day Early Learning Activity Pack is perfect for learning about St. Patrick's Day while building math and pre-reading skills. This early learning activity pack focuses on letters, numbers, counting, shapes, colors, and vocabulary. It includes lots of hands-on learning for your child(ren) or students.

How to Engage Your Preschooler in Hands-On Learning for St. Patrick’s Day

I love March! When March 1st hits, I get excited for Dr. Seuss’ birthday, St. Patrick’s Day and Spring. I get so excited for spring that I enjoy switching out our books to include all our favorites about bugs, butterflies, flowers, planting gardens and the rainy spring weather. You can check out all of the …

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It is really easy and inexpensive to build a grocery store checkout counter for toddlers and preschoolers. They can learn so many skills from engaging in grocery store dramatic play. Learn how to set up grocery store dramatic play for your littles ones.

How to Build a Grocery Store Checkout Counter for Less than $20

Since March 2020, we’ve spent a lot of time playing at home. For the longest time, I’ve had this dream of adding a grocery store to our play area in the basement. The grocery store is the perfect extension to our kitchen play area. I have fond memories of grocery store dramatic play as a …

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books, toys, baby

How to Organize Your Toddler’s Toys the Montessori Way

You may have heard about the Montessori method. Pinterest is full of pictures of Montessori playrooms with neatly organized wooden toys. Of course, social media images may be different from reality. But that doesn’t change the fact that many families that started to apply the Montessori principles in their household agree that it is easier …

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