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When I got pregnant with my daughter, J, and started thinking about all of the things I wanted to put on my registry, a jogging stroller was on the top of my list. I was a runner and wanted to keep running after having J. Plus, knowing my husband would be working long days and I would be staying at home with her, built up this longing for a jogging stroller. Most of my runs would be done while my husband was working, which meant J would be along for the ride. I like to stay active by running and walking on a daily basis so purchasing a jogging stroller was the best option for me.
Researching strollers, let alone jogging strollers, can be overwhelming for any new mom. I spent many evenings after a long day of teaching, reading about jogging strollers in Baby Bargains. I read reviews on the Internet and did research on the different brands of jogging strollers. I came to the conclusion that a travel system was the way to go because it came with a base and infant carrier. I liked knowing everything came together in one package, for one price.
I ended up choosing the Eddie Bauer TrailGuide Jogger Travel System from Target. My mom purchased it as a gift for us. One of my coworkers had the same one and she spoke highly of it. Plus, my research concluded that Eddie Bauer strollers were a good middle of the road option. They provided good quality without requiring you to spend a fortune. I really liked the combo of orange and grey, too!

In the beginning, I went on A LOT of walks with J. The fresh air was so good for us and we experienced some unseasonably warm temperatures from October to December, the first few months of J’s life. I strapped J into the infant carrier and hooked her into the stroller. I loved taking walks with her. We took many long walks because the motion would put her to sleep. I could talk to her about the sights and sounds and interact with her. It was a wonderful bonding experience for us.

I started jogging with the stroller when J was about 6 ½ to 8 months of age. She had good head control and I felt comfortable running with her. Our first run together was 3 miles on National Running Day, June 7, 2017. J loved the ride and it made me happy to share my passion for running with her on National Running Day.
I didn’t jog with the stroller very much through the summer because it was too hot to run during the day. I would get my runs done early in the morning before J woke up. I met a local running group at 5:30 to log my miles as I started training for the New York City Marathon in November. So, I didn’t run with the jogging stroller that much.
Since the start of the new year, I’ve taken J out for a run a handful of times, especially on days when it was unseasonably warm. I am able to log anywhere from 3-5 miles with her in the stroller. It is usually 3-4 miles, but one time she fell asleep so I kept going and reached 5 miles. This was a bonus!

4 Benefits of Running with a Jogging Stroller
Regardless of how many miles I log with J in the stroller, it is not easy. Running with a jogging stroller is MUCH harder than running solo because you are pushing extra weight. However, even though running with a jogging stroller can be challenging, there are many benefits to this type of activity.
Keeps you active This is probably the biggest benefit of all. The jogging stroller gives you a way to fit in some exercise when you have a child, and better yet, when you stay at home with your child. You don’t need a jogging stroller to stay active and take walks, but the tires on a jogging stroller are usually designed to perform better on different terrains, like gravel bike paths or grass. Being active is good for our overall health. Exercise keeps our hearts strong, improves our mood by releasing endorphins that make us happy and is a healthy outlet for stress. Running with a jogging stroller keeps us healthy so we can be our best self for our children.
Running with a jogging stroller is cardio AND strength training When you are running with a jogging stroller, you get an arm workout in addition to the cardio training. Think about it, the jogging stroller gives you resistance and this resistance works like weights in that it activates the muscles in your arms. I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for a way to get toned arms, especially with tank top season right around the corner. Running with the stroller kills two birds with one stone: you get some strength training AND cardio! Let’s face it, moms are limited on time so a workout that does two things at once is a plus!
Gets you out of the house and into the fresh air Fresh air is so good for us and our children. Fresh air lifts our mood and makes us happier. Running with a jogging stroller gets us out of the house and gives our children an opportunity to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.
Bonding time with your child Taking your child (or children) out for a run in the jogging stroller is a wonderful way to bond. Running is a passion of mine and the jogging stroller gives me a way to share this passion with my daughter.
As you can see, there are many benefits to running with a jogging stroller. If you are planning on running with a jogging stroller, here is a list of 10 tips to make it an enjoyable and safe experience for you and your child!
10 Tips for Running with a Jogging Stroller
Run on paved road or paths, avoiding sidewalks when possible.
Paved road is a smoother surface for running. Sidewalks are bumpy and can cause an uncomfortable ride for your child. Plus, paved surfaces are better on your body than concrete sidewalks. Paved road is a softer surface. Concrete sidewalks are a harder surface, causing more stress on your joints and muscles.
Run through quiet neighborhoods or at parks where traffic is minimal.
Running where there are a lot of cars is risky when you are solo. Therefore, when running with a jogging stroller, it is best to run through neighborhoods with little to no traffic or at parks. A benefit of running through quiet neighborhoods and at parks is that your child can get some time to run around or play at the playground, too! After your run is done, you can stop at a playground. We are lucky that the neighborhoods I run in have their own playground and there is a small playground at the end of my street! Now that J is fully mobile, this is a fun treat for her after being strapped in the stroller for 30-45 minutes!
Make sure baby is fed and has a full tummy.
When my daughter was still nursing 4-5 times per day, I made sure to feed her right before we were headed out for a run. Now that J is primarily eating solids, I give her a snack to either eat before we leave or during my run. This snack cup gets filled with puffs, goldfish crackers, teddy grahams or pretzels and comes with us in the stroller. J is happy holding it I also bring along her favorite straw cup filled with water. I love this Sippy Cup Holder Strap because it keeps J’s cup attached to the stroller and I don’t need to stop my run to pick up her cup if it gets thrown out of the stroller.

Make sure the buckle is fastened.
This may sound obvious, but it is important to mention for the safety of your child. When running with the jogging stroller, use the full harness and not just the strap that goes around your child’s waist. The full harness prevents your child from flying forward and causing injury. Double check the harness is fastened by tugging on the straps.
Don’t plan to run the same pace you would if you were running solo.
Your pace will be much slower when running with the jogging stroller. Pushing the extra weight makes it much harder to maintain the same speed you would running solo. I chose to do my easy training runs with the jogging stroller because the purpose of these runs was to maintain my training and not worry about speed.
Avoid hills if possible.
When running with a jogging stroller, you are pushing extra weight. Running uphill is hard enough! So, choose a route that is relatively flat. The neighborhoods I run in are still pretty hilly, but there is one steep and long hill that I avoid when running with the jogging stroller. I figure the extra weight of the stroller is enough to increase the intensity of the workout.
Switch up which arm you are using to prevent one arm from becoming sore.
When I run with the jogging stroller, I only push with one arm at a time. The arm that isn’t pushing is helping me propel forward. However, it is important to switch which arm is pushing the stroller every 5 minutes or so. This way, each arm is equally used and one arm doesn’t become sore from doing all the work.
Lock the front wheel.
Most jogging strollers come with a switch you push up or down to lock the front wheel in a straight-ahead position. The purpose of locking the front wheel is to prevent it from suddenly veering in an unplanned direction upon hitting a pebble or something similar. A locked wheel keeps the jogging stroller more stable.
Make sure the tires are fully pumped.
The tires on a jogging stroller are similar to those on a bicycle in that you must keep them fully inflated for best results. If the tires are not fully inflated, you will be working harder during your run. Tires that are low in pressure can cause you to experience shin splints or other discomforts after your run. I use a simple floor pump to inflate the tires of my jogging stroller.
Maintain an upright posture and keep your elbows bent.
It is essential to pay attention to your posture and form anytime you are doing cardio or strength training. Towards the end of a run with the jogging stroller, your body may start to slump forward because you are tired. Keeping an upright position during your run allows your lungs to work at full capacity and you will reach optimal stride length. Also, keeping your elbows bent helps your arms to say relaxed and loose. Your hand should be loosely holding the stroller handle. Clenching the stroller handle tightly will cause your upper body to tense up, which causes discomfort.
Minimize how much you bring. Don’t bring a full diaper bag.
I usually take J for a run in my own neighborhood and the surrounding ones. I don’t really take anything with me unless we are running the the bank or grocery store that is nearby. Even still, I bring a minimal amount of things because the more I bring, the more weight is being added to the stroller. I bring J’s water bottle, my own water bottle, a snack or two and a pack of hand wipes for cleaning up J if we go to the park afterwards. I throw the hand wipes and snacks into a gallon-sized freezer bag and put in storage basket below stroller. It is also important to note that you should not attach any bags to the handle of the jogging stroller. These will throw off the weight of the stroller and become a danger to you while running.
While running with a jogging stroller is not the easiest, it comes with many benefits for parent and child. Running with the jogging stroller is fun for me because it challenges me and gives me a way to share my passion with my daughter. It is bonding time for us and I enjoy every minute of taking her along for the ride. By following the 10 tips I’ve shared with you, running with a jogging stroller will be much easier and safer for you and your child. Happy running Be sure to share this post with a friend who runs with a jogging stroller or a new mama who is looking for ways to fit running into her lifestyle!
Thanks for all the great tips! I need to get a double jogging stroller – I’m sure these tips will come in handy when I’m ready to pound the pavement again this fall. Good for you for sticking to your running routine. I wish I had your determination!
Thank you for reading!! Good luck with the double jogging stroller!